October 10, 2020

Top ten countries with active cases of COVID-19

Top ten countries with active cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection  / Oct 2020

Oct 10. 2020 - Active cases in:
USA (2 611 530); India (883 151); France (558 566); Brazil (473 903); Russia (246 428); Argentinia (151 102); Ukraine (138 809); Mexico (138 159); Belgium (118 758); Colombia (86 259)
Aug 04. 2020 
USA (2 256 448); Brazil (744 644); India (585 920); Russia (188 464); South Africa (150 286); Colombia (143 106); Peru (115 198); Argentinia (111 628); Mexico (101 906); Bangladesh (101 013)

July 08. 2020
USA (1 608 023); Brazil (489 865); India (267 204); Russia (217 614); South Africa (110 054); Peru (97 388); Pakistan (91 602); Bangladesh (89 099); Mexico (72 348); Colombia (68 274)

April 05. 2020
USA (288 355);  Italy (88 274);  Spain (34 219);  Germany  (68 248); France  (66 955);  UK (37 455);  Iran  (32 555); Turkey (22 647);  Netherlands (14 726);  Belgium  (13 901)

March 25, 2020
USA (59 447);  Italy (54 030);  Spain (38 809);  Germany  (32 014); France  (17 923);  Iran (15 315);  Switzerland  (10 257);  
UK (7 659);  Netherlands (6 053);   Austria   (5 549)

March 21, 2020
Italy (42,681); USA (23,052); Spain (21,993); Germany (21,962); France (12,310); Iran (11,419); Switzerland (6,652); S.Korea (6,085); China (6,013); UK (4,692)


July 26, 2020

Turkmenistan - COVID-19 situation

Turkmenistan - SARS-CoV-2 situation / Aug. 04. 2020
The government of Turkmenistan still denies the existence of COVID-19 in the country. (Aug. 04. 2020)

The presence of of SARS-CoV-2 virus is not officially acknowledged by government and health offices but the wearing of face masks is compulsory from July 13. 2020.

Berkarar (shopping / entertainment mall) and Tolkuchka market have been closed for quarantine.

WHO mission in Turkmenistan 2020:
A WHO mission arrived in Turkmenistan on July 6. 2020 in order to assess the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) situation.
Neither the mission nor the WHO’s European center has made any statement yet about the presence of coronavirus infections in Turkmenistan.

COVID-19 pandemic map by WHO as of July 26. 2020
Turkmenistan - 0 confirmed cases;   0 deaths; 0 new cases
Afghanistan - 36 157 confirmed cases;  1 259 deaths; 121 new cases
Uzbekistan - 20 226 confirmed cases; 112 deaths; 573 new cases
Kazakhstan - 81 720 confirmed cases; 585 deaths; 1 494 new cases
Kyrgyzstan - 32 813 confirmed cases; 1 277 deaths; 1 566 new cases
Republic of Iran - 288 839 confirmed cases; 15 484 deaths; 2 316 new cases

Source: World Health Organization - Global Map

Tests and monitoring:
COVID-19 tests which come back positive are not officially recorded or sent to WHO. People who are thought to have died from SARS-CoV-2 virus were diagnosed with pneumonia or other lung diseases.

Humanitarian Aid:
A humanitarian aid from WHO was delivered to Turkmenistan on 16 July 2020 in preventive measures like masks, respirators, face shields, glasses and gowns.

Öýe baryp gözegçilik we sorag-jogap etmek üçin Soragnama
Öý hojalygyn salgysy ......................
Öý hojalykda ýasaýan adam sany ..............................

1.  Öýe barlanda maşgala agzalarynyň öýkenlerinin auskultasiýa barlagyny geçirmeli (öýkenini diňläp görmeli). Maşgla agzasyna auskultatiw barlag edilende näçe adamda üýtgeşme ýüze çykaryldy?
2. Öýe baryp görmegiň netijesinde maşgala agzalaniynyn näçesi rentgen barlagyna we lukmanyn gözegçiligine ugradyldy?
3. Öýde ýaramaýan barmy?

13) Agyz-burun örtükleri barmy, ony dogry ulanýarlarmy?
14) Elini dogry ýuwýarlarmy, eli dogry ýuwmagyn düzgünlerini bilýärlemi?

Turkmenistan: "Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise" ( German Federal Foreign Office as of July 27. 2020)


lukmançylyk   -  Medizin
öý hojalygy  - Haushalt
salgysy  -  Adresse
hassahana - Krankenhaus
bu dogry - das stimmt
maşgala agzalary - Familienmitglieder
maşgala - Familie

May 10, 2020

No pandemic plans or plan not publicly available in following countries;

COVID 19 - - SARS-CoV-2 -- Asia and Middle East:
As of May 10. 2020 there is no pandemic plan existing or publicly availabe in following countries:
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Iraq, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Afghanistan, Ukraine, Georgia, Turkey, Moldova (Republic of), Belarus, Russian Federation, Nepal

May 05, 2020

May 04, 2020

March 01, 2020

USNS MERCY - Hospital Ship [US] IMO: 7390454 MMSI: 367816000

USNS MERCY - Hospital Ship  [US]  IMO: 7390454 MMSI: 367816000


USNS COMFORT - Hospital Ship [US]

USNS COMFORT - Hospital Ship  [US]  IMO: 7390478  Mmsi: 368817000  call: NCOM


January 22, 2020

Pandemieplan für die Schweiz - Download

Influenza-Pandemieplan Schweiz 2018
Bundesamt für Gesundheit BAG - January 2020
Letzte Änderung 17.07.2018

Download here

June 03, 2019

Freilaufende Hühner

Hühner (Gallus gallus domesticus) brauchen für ein artgerechtes Leben einen Stall und einen Freilauf.

Photo unten:
vier freilaufende Hühner - Sommer 2016

June 02, 2019

#USA #Trump #MAGA - US-Farmer verdienen massiv weniger

Food Inc. Chicken Farm

‘Food, Inc.’ chicken farmer has a new, humane farm

Fledermaus, Larvenroller, Flughund, Affe und Co

Handel mit wilden Tieren - "Bushmeat"
Das Problem auf den Märkten in Asien und Afrika. Fledermaus gilt als Delikatesse.

Bat as food  

Fleisch ist frisch, wenn es noch lebt.

Seit 20 Febr. 2020:
China verbietet den Verzehr von Bushmeat. Immerhin ein zukunftsweisender Schritt in die richtige Richtung.

November 14, 2016

Germany 2016 Schleswig Holstein H5N8

Immediate notification report
Report Date: 09/11/2016
Country : Germany
Kreis Schleswig-Flensburg
Latitude   54.589344    Longitude   9.658912



December 16, 2014

November 29, 2014