Top ten countries with active cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection / Oct 2020
Oct 10. 2020 - Active cases in:
USA (2 611 530); India (883 151); France (558 566); Brazil (473 903); Russia (246 428); Argentinia (151 102); Ukraine (138 809); Mexico (138 159); Belgium (118 758); Colombia (86 259)
USA (2 611 530); India (883 151); France (558 566); Brazil (473 903); Russia (246 428); Argentinia (151 102); Ukraine (138 809); Mexico (138 159); Belgium (118 758); Colombia (86 259)
Aug 04. 2020
USA (2 256 448); Brazil (744 644); India (585 920); Russia (188 464); South Africa (150 286); Colombia (143 106); Peru (115 198); Argentinia (111 628); Mexico (101 906); Bangladesh (101 013)
July 08. 2020
USA (1 608 023); Brazil (489 865); India (267 204); Russia (217 614); South Africa (110 054); Peru (97 388); Pakistan (91 602); Bangladesh (89 099); Mexico (72 348); Colombia (68 274)
April 05. 2020
USA (288 355); Italy (88 274); Spain (34 219); Germany (68 248); France (66 955); UK (37 455); Iran (32 555); Turkey (22 647); Netherlands (14 726); Belgium (13 901)
March 25, 2020
USA (59 447); Italy (54 030); Spain (38 809); Germany (32 014); France (17 923); Iran (15 315); Switzerland (10 257);
UK (7 659); Netherlands (6 053); Austria (5 549)
March 21, 2020
Italy (42,681); USA (23,052); Spain (21,993); Germany (21,962); France (12,310); Iran (11,419); Switzerland (6,652); S.Korea (6,085); China (6,013); UK (4,692)
July 08. 2020
USA (1 608 023); Brazil (489 865); India (267 204); Russia (217 614); South Africa (110 054); Peru (97 388); Pakistan (91 602); Bangladesh (89 099); Mexico (72 348); Colombia (68 274)
April 05. 2020
USA (288 355); Italy (88 274); Spain (34 219); Germany (68 248); France (66 955); UK (37 455); Iran (32 555); Turkey (22 647); Netherlands (14 726); Belgium (13 901)
March 25, 2020
USA (59 447); Italy (54 030); Spain (38 809); Germany (32 014); France (17 923); Iran (15 315); Switzerland (10 257);
UK (7 659); Netherlands (6 053); Austria (5 549)
March 21, 2020
Italy (42,681); USA (23,052); Spain (21,993); Germany (21,962); France (12,310); Iran (11,419); Switzerland (6,652); S.Korea (6,085); China (6,013); UK (4,692)